Gracias ó magnífico traballo de edición e difusión que fai Jose co seu selo afeite al perro (moitos pensan que é un colectivo, pero é un rapaz so, imparable e cunha alta enerxía cinética, iso si!), chegamos a moitos portais do mundo! se xa foi o mes pasado unha reseñiña no WIRE o que nos deixou boquiabertos, este maio é a revistiña en forma de páxina web Animal Psi a que nos reseña: humor vítreo e tamén atomizador viaxan nun barquiño de cassette!!!
Jejeje, feliz, felices!
20 May 09 - Cassette, Review
ATOMIZADOR, "Círculos", 2008. From the prolific Spanish art and experimental sound collective Afeite Al Perro comes the aptly-titled ‘Círculos’ cassette by Atomizador, a murmuring bulk of looping drones stretched taut across one side of a C74. Suggesting a meteorological fetish, deep, bulging frequencies provide broad edges off which thin, high wisps are cast to create a swift and total movement. Not unlike the recent monolith by Monsturo, the brute mass of this recording swallows all emerging tones back into itself to create an overwhelming and inexplicable listen, and disturbing for its inhumanity. Cassette comes sprayed to a thick patina, wedged in a crazy RAKS case with colorful insert. Limited to 58 copies.
HUMOR VÍTREO, S/T, 2008. In comparison, label-mate Humor Vitreo presents skewed electronics somewhere along the continuum of Throbbing Gristle to Black Dice: deep heartbeats set a jogging pace while sequencers chirp patterns and shopping carts crash, clipped radio voices singing in a manipulated repetition. Mainstream cumbias get cut and doubled in the next instance, a buzzing drone incessantly tying all the fragmented elements into a single motley collage. A tune threatens to emerge in every moment, yet the feisty DJ seems reluctant to let anything rest, and in the end it seems safe to say that the author is never satisfied. Reminiscent of Terry Riley’s earliest tapes and later the work of Big City Orchestra, these are some truly primitive experiments with modern materials, and the effect is as timeless as those initial forays trapped under glass. Another one-sided dub, this tape includes a color insert and two line-drawings on fancy paper. Limited to 50 copies. Both cassettes are presently sold out HERE.
[Texto: de Animal Psi ; e foto: reseñiña na revista "THE WIRE. Adventures in modern music" nº302, Abril 2009. Dobre click nela para lela]
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