martes, 9 de novembro de 2010

Poemas en movemento

Parece que a expresión SHOW A LEG (en inglés) vén daquí>>>

Where does the saying 'show a leg' come from?

Today, this is a commonly used phrase to encourage people to get up in the morning or to hurry along generally, but it originated in the Royal Navy. Seamen were not traditionally allowed any shore leave (in case they deserted) and so were allowed to have their wives on board the ship. In the mornings the seamen had to report for duty but the women were allowed to stay in bed. As the mate checked hammocks and bunks for occupants, the women would hang a leg over the side to indicate that they were female and not required for ship's duties, hence the morning call of 'show a leg'.

Neste enlace podedes ver un video ben completo sobre a expo S.A.L. en Londres... preciosa...! Douvos tanto a lata porque púxenme con un dos libriños que trouxen da súa expo... este>>>

Aquí vai o textiño-resumo do video:

Pipilotti Rist talks about her video installation ‘Show a Leg’ (2001) at the Tramway gallery in an edition of Channel 6 Broadcasting’s television show, ‘Art in Scotland’. Recorded in the gallery Rist says ‘Show a Leg’ is about positive hysteria, our common wish to be special, balanced by a desire not to be crazy. The programme is illustrated with lengthy shots of her ethereal projected videos in the large spaces of the Tramway, which she describes as a moving poem. The dreamlike images take a deliberately female perspective, the viewpoint of a wild strong human being, on the fine borderline between uniqueness and insanity. A former stage designer for musicians, the artist tells Robert Morgan about her influences, her use of new technology and her views about the role of art in the age of television and mass entertainment.

[Pipi en manhattan, uns calcetíns que non son obra de Rist e a portada do citado catálogo!]

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